13 magical On Page SEO Strategy Should You use For Blogger Website (White Hat SEO) in 2021

13 magical On Page SEO  Strategy Should use For Blogger Website (White Hat SEO) in 2021

On Page Seo

Yes I am a professional Digital Marketer sharing you guys a basic concept of On Page SEO factor for Blogger Website to rank quickly in Google Search.If you are fresher and starting a new blog so this content is absolutely for you guys.Lets stay on my content because it will surely helpful for your blog.

Firstly you should know what is On Page Seo ? Yes No problem I am here with you to give you best knowledge about on site seo or you can say "ON PAGE SEO" .

Why is important ON PAGE SEO for every Blog -

For the ranking purpose, On Page Seo is  to play  key role for every fresh blog to get reach high traffic from online.
There are several on page seo techniques is here and I will share with you one by one.
Lets check to what type of techniques are there to play role for every blog.

Types Of Techniques -

There are so many techniques are available but I preferred those are very need to be implement for On page Seo for getting quickly rank on Google Search Engine.

13 magical On Page SEO  Strategy

  1. Should Publish High Level of Content
  2. Title Tag and Description Tag (Meta Improvement) Optimization
  3. Content Optimization Techniques (h1 to h6 Tag) and others.
  4. Image Alt Tag Optimization
  5. Multimedia Section added to Content
  6. Full Url optimizing Techniques
  7. Inbound Link and Outbound Linking strategy  
  8. Focus on (https) Website Domain
  9. Template design optimization Techniques
  10. Page loading Speed and Mobile Optimized 
  11. keyword Optimization Techniques
  12. Location optimization Techniques
  13. Voice Search Optimization Techniques
13 on page seo tips that should apply for every blog

Should Publish High Level of Content

This is a most important part for seo because if your content is not powerful and not helpful what user search or not fulfill their need by your content then it's no level of content.So focus on how to solve problem people's en query through your content.There is no need to write huge but write small and authentic, good and problem solving content - that's call high level of content. Do you understood !!! guys.

content stategy for seo

Title Tag and Description Tag (Meta Improvement) Optimization

This part also be very important for On Page Seo. If you write your content so you have to follow how to optimize title tag and as well as description tag both also.If you use blogger or any subdomain website so you must use reliable keyword as per your content strategy.For example if you write recipe blog so you have to search relevant keyword just like - "how to make recipe within 5 minutes". Then check your keyword volume and put it in your title tag and it's use in description tag within 100 words.  
If you use paid domain and use WordPress in back end so there is no hassle for you to give proper title and description tag.If You use WordPress so you must add on Yoast Seo plugin. It is a very beautiful plugin more than 100k people use their content optimization.

Description tag optimization technique for on page seo
Title tag optimization technique for on page seo

Content Optimization Techniques

"The Content is King" for Seo ranking" We should know that.So You have to be focus on Content optimization Techniques.there are so many option is there for easily use it and get good content optimized (blogger).Let me tell you the first thing is h1 to h6 tag.

h1 tag - 

h1 means is heading 1 tags. it is use in html (hypertext markup language).When we write any paragraph we should use heading tag. So for seo is concern we will use heading tag at first of the Paragraph.

h2 tag -

h2 means is heading 2 tags. it is use in html (hypertext markup language). So for seo is concern we will use heading tag at least 2 times of the paragraph.

h3 tag -

h3 means is heading 3 tags. it is use also in html (hypertext markup language). So for seo is concern  we will use heading tag at least 3 to 4 times of the paragraph.

h4 to h6 tag we can use in our paragraph or not.but there is no problem to use for content optimization.

Bold Italic and Underline Strong Tag -

If you have content at least 2000 word you must use bold, italic and underline and strong tag most of the time.It is also help to good optimized for content.

Content optimization techniques

Color Optimization Techniques -

One of the most important part is Color Optimization techniques for Content. But most of the time we do not follow this part.There are to part is front color and background color.If you use front color and background color in your text, then you mention it to algorithm, this text has something for user. So it will be very chanced to be rank quickly (for keyword purpose) in search result.

content formating technique for on page factor
Image Alt Tag Optimization

It is also be a useful for ranking purpose.Most of time we do mistake because when we use image for our content we do not put any alt tags for this image.its wrong you guys !!! WE HAVE TO BE IMPLEMENT image alt tags for every images which we use in our paragraph.
If you use Google search engine so you can see "image" option also be available.So if you use alt tags in your image and then it will be fully optimized, and quickly ranking your content by image optimization.

image alt tag optimization technique

Multimedia Section added to Content

Google always love to video optimization techniques in content.So if you use any multimedia section in your content that will be the highly chances to rank quickly in search result.It is not only video, info graphics is also be added and podcast.

Multimedia optimization techniques

Full Url optimizing Techniques

One of the most important thing we must do it. Url Optimized technique is a vital role to play for ranking purpose.When we do post any content we must follow this content posting url. It should be meaningful and seo optimized.
For example if we write recipe content so this post url must be
It is a meaningful url and quickly rank on search engine.Do you understand Guy!!!

Url optimization technique for On Page Seo Factor

Internal Link and Outbound Linking strategy 

It is a small part but much more important for On Page Seo Factor to get rank content in search engine.So you should use internal linking and outbound link in your content.
Internal linking it means link to One page to every page of your blog or website internally.and Outbound linking is Which link that  link out to websites with a different domain name.

internal inbound and outbound links for seo

Focus on (https secured Website) Domain

If you are blogger you must focus on your blog or website that should be https. Https means hypertext transfer protocol secured.If you use https in your domain it means that your are using a domain that is highly secured and search engine always love to that.

https for domain security purpose

Template design optimization Techniques

Yes its a new techniques but it also be applicable in current scenario for on page factor.If your blog is un-design so you have to be design by good templates.If you are using blogger.com so its easy to design but you have paid domain so then you must have knowledge about web design knowledge.otherwise you will hire a Web designer to making a beautiful design for you blog or website.And it must be responsive design.Design of templates are in responsible for ranking purpose.

Page loading Speed and Mobile Optimized 

Now a days, For On Page Ranking factor, Page speed test is highly recommend. Because if user open your blog or website and it will take time, then user return to your website,then bounce rate will be automatically increasing and it is not good for ranking purpose.So check your blog by Page seed tester and focus on also is your blog or website is fully responsive for mobile or not.If it is not, You just correct it or if you do not know then immediately You should call your web designer for solving it.

Page Speed and Mobile Optimization techniques for on page seo

keyword Optimization Techniques

It is also be a most important part for On page seo factor.Before I said Content is king for ranking and Keyword is also responsible for ranking factor.So far content ranking you should focus on keyword analysis by online keyword Planner tools.and you also check keyword density,proximity,main keyword and subordinate keyword that's call secondary keyword.

Keyword Optimization technique

Geo Location Map optimization Techniques

You should must follow Geo location optimization techniques.Because every search engine loves to that particular option.So if you use Geo location it means Google Map Optimization in your blog or website you can see your blog is quickly reachable in search engine ranking.
for example, if you want to buy shoes,then you always search "best shoes buy online near me" and you can see that you can find near me shop withing 10 to 20  km or like that shopping blog which is relevant to you.

google map optimization techniques

Voice Search Optimization Techniques

Now a days, Voice search is highly important for every website or blog to get rank in search engine. So you must have follow this techniques.

Voice Search Optimization Techniques

13 On Page Seo technique is very important to get rank any blogger website or paid domain.so please comment on my blog if you really like my 13 techniques.
Thank Cheers !!!

Soft Digital Marketing

Hi I am Abir, A Professional Digital Marketer and blogger & YouTube specialist science 2011.I really like to help to people to get best knowledge from me.

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